Wednesday, November 4, 2009



星期天晚上,看到LKT的PM写‘安息...朋友’,我好奇地问他。他没回答,只留下了The Star网址,叫我自己读。开始只是大略看过,没发现他的名字。仔细再读一遍,“The first body was found and it was identified that is James Khor Wan Khai, 20”。我当时真的被吓到,我很希望我看错,很希望没有‘body’这个字。我真的是很惊讶,整个晚上不能睡好。隔天,我也是还无法接受他离去的事实,直到出席他的丧礼过后,心里才对自己说了一句话:他真的走了。





Friday, October 30, 2009




这么说来好像在批评她呢...... 哈哈,还好啦!






Sunday, October 25, 2009







希望大家时时刻刻都这样想: 我是应该为地球作出贡献了。

Saturday, October 24, 2009

今天建晴来找我,目的是要谈12月假期时他要带3-5年级的学生来学习first aid。此外,我们也谈了很多东西,包括学业级团体的事情。虽然第一次跟他谈话,不过还挺自在的,说话时也不会感到压力。难怪建锭这么喜欢找他谈心。


回到家,突然想起星期一要上课,又在胡思乱想了。星期一。。。对我来说是个挺恐怖的一天,我几乎都在星期一出车祸。我有时觉得槟城人驾车太粗鲁了,而且缺乏了礼让精神,偶尔心里想:让一下会死meh? 吉隆坡与槟城有很大的分别,吉隆坡人驾车方式是,突然要湾才打signal, 即使是吃进别人lane, 也不会被hon... ;槟城人驾车,即使你很早打signal, 趁后面车距离你还远的时候吃进去,后面车偏偏驾快快,趁机hon你一下也爽!


for example:
- One Utama (Petaling Jaya)
- The Curve (Petaling Jaya)
- IKEA (Petaling Jaya)
- Pavilion KL (KL)
- Berjaya Times Square (KL)
- Mid Valley (Petaling Jaya)
- IOI Mall (Puchong)
- Sunway (Subang)
- The Mines (Selangor)
- Alpha Angle (Wangsa Maju)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


哎,年终考试即将来临,发现很多课业需要复习,但是时间已经不足了。星期二考了MUET的speaking, 开始时多少也会紧张,不过过了一阵子却感觉到挺好玩的。不知为何,我发现自己有些不正常,一提起MUET就会大笑,进到speaking的考场时也会暗笑=.="。也许是我的英文老师的脸部表情太夸张了,她虽然很惹人厌,不过教书时还挺专业的。看大家考speaking前都在忙着读补习的笔记,感觉到他们非常压力似的;而我却轻轻松松地,不断地跟别人讲话。其实我本身挺爱讲话的,一天没有讲话好像会死这样。上个星期,班上同学还拿名单,做了一项投票,并分为五个category,1搭讪达人,2最爱‘炫’,3最冷漠,4最‘鸟’,5好好先生/小姐。猜猜看我是哪一种呢??? 哈哈,没想到平时没有什么在班上的我竟然这么多人投我一号!!!!。。。

However, I still found that my communication skill still have to improve. I don't feel relax when talk to somebody who are either looks very cool, older than me and younger than me. It's quite chanllenging because not everyone the same, people may not expose to much to let you know, and besides you shouldn't force people to tell you everything that they want to keep it as secret. We should also respect each other instead.

There are many of my friends I found that they need people to care them, I hope I can lend my ears to them and besides lend my helping hands too. The situation isn't complicated, it's just see who are the one take the first step. I also lost the direction, I know sometimes they might be suffered but what should I do. If I asked them what happen also, they might not be telling me the truth instead they will be doubted that why suddenly I ask them so much? What is my intension? If they are not willing to tell me, I also have to respect them.


Friday, September 4, 2009






Thursday, September 3, 2009


从出事到现在,已将近一个多月了。偶尔还会回想起而感到害怕与难过。最近学校考试成绩也出炉了,唉...... 考得真烂!也因此而搞到这几天的心情七上八下。




Saturday, August 1, 2009


About 40 hours ago, I was suffering from fever... It was a damn midnight for me because I can't fall as sleep. I think I slept for not more than 3 hours. Haiz...the next day still got school.

During that midnight, I have thought a lot of stupid things... "OMG! If I get H1N1, what am I going to do???" and "If I get dengue fever? How it's going to be?" The whole night I keep on shivering even though the fan is not on... After that, I have made my decision not to go to school in the next morning.

I was awaked at 4.00am, that time i felt that I get better. Then I have changed my mind to go to school because there are many things need to be done (I don't mean that attend lesson). My juniors will come and see me for form signature, I have to remind my friend about the details of coming competition...

After a few minutes I reached school, I have already regreted that I have made a wrong decision. My fever is getting worst and there bad news reported by my junior...Haiz...damn meaningless going to school.

After school dismissal, I went to a Government Clinic to seek for doctor. I got there about 2.20pm and there was only a lab assistant there. She told me that the Malays are going out for the Friday prayer, therefore they only will be opened by 2.45pm. There's no problem for me to wait since my fever is getting better. After 2.45pm, there are a lot of patients waiting at the registration counter and the worker there doing things very slowly. Haiz... it makes me wait for about 15 minutes to get my number.

Finally, is my turn to see doctor. I went inside the room and told him that i got fever. He asked me a lot whether I got flu, cough or any red dots on my body. I wondering that is he suspecting me for H1N1. The answer is NO! He just want to confirm that whether am I suffering from dengue fever. Then he also asked the nurse to 'withdraw' my blood for blood test.

The result of the test was.... "NORMAL!" sweat...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sears Tower Rename...(Willis Tower)

Sears Towers is located at Chicago Illinois in United States of America since 1973. It is a 108 stories skyscrapper and was the tallest builiding in the world before surpassed by Petronas Twin Towers in our country.

By today onwards, Sears Tower will be gone. It will be renamed as Willis Tower that introduced by a British Company called Willis Group Holding, Ltd. Sears Tower that widely known by everyone over three decades will become a history since Willis Tower was offcially renamed on July 16, 2009.

Over 90,000 people have joined the group "People Against the Sears Tower Name Change" on the social net working Web site - Facebook. We can see that how aggresive American are in protecting Sears Tower against from name change.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chinese Dialect That I Speak (Taishanese)

Many people were asked about what kind of Chinese Dialect do I speak with my family, my answer is : "Taishan Hua or Xinning Wa (in Hokkien)". Recently, I just found it in Wikipedia and I realized that in English we call it as Taishanese. It is a bit sounds like Cantonese but it still many differents between them.

Taishan is the origin of Taishanese, it is located in Guangdong Provice of China and situated at southwest of Guangzhou. Taishanese also known as Xinning but seems that not many people speak it in Malaysia. By the way, about 70% of Chinese Americans are made up from Taishanese. That's why sometimes we heard that Chinese that migrated to America known as 'Kam San Ah Pak' (in Cantonese). Because many Taishanese were migrated to California esspecially San Francisco during the earlier stage of 20th-century. Nowadays, Taishanese is widely speak by Chinese Americans that stay in chinatowns.

Actually last time Taishanese was widely spoken in Penang too but seems when it was replaced by Hokkien. My grandpa also told me that many Chinese immigrants were Taishanese. When I viewing my Graduation Magazine, I also found that many students written there their China Province origin were Taishan. It can be conclude that there are many Taishanese in Malaysia.

Appreciate your dialect, speak it always whenever you can...Haha

Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm STEAM Today!!!

Today as usual, drive my 'mini Kancil' to school early in the morning. Actually I feel that I'm weird because every Monday wake up early sure "STEAM"! Maybe I don't have a good night sleep every Sunday night and results that I lack of spirit in the next day morning.

When on the way driving to school, I met with an accident! was very unlucky (or SUI in Hokkien)... When I reached to the end of the Yeap Chor Yee Road and going to turn left into Jalan Masjid Negeri (or Greenlane that known by everyone), suddenly I saw a car tried to overtake the car infront and enter my lane (left lane and I should keep at the left because there are many cars on the right lane)...(actually I'm not good in describing). I'm very "STEAM" that time and the car already knocked my 'mini Kancil' and the sound (Krak! Kark! Krak!) can be heard... OMG...then the driver got down from the car and me too...

Luckily his car was a little bit scratches while the Kangaroo Bar of my 'mini Kancil' was out of shape... Haiz... the uncle somemore said that I should stop at the junction and I also "Steam Steam" apologize... SWEAT!!! He told me: " I think it will not cost much ler...can i get your phone no.?" Actually I want to reply him this way : "No need to get your car for service also...please lah!! Like that also want me to pay for it???" These are what my mind thinking but I have no mood to 'shoot' him...Haha

Since that place is not suitable for us to stop there, so he just got my phone no. and we leaved... Luckily he didn't call me ...

Afternoon one of my friend call me and concerned about the incident... I feel surprised about that because she is not same school with me and I only tell those classmates... After she explain, just realized that she saw me dealing with the incident this morning... Haha...A bit 'sia sui'...

It was very unlucky for me today...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Work That Not Been Done (Homework I Mean!!!)

There are a lot of homework given by the teachers in school... Haha! Esspecially the Maths T teacher - Mr. Yeap. Actually I don't mind he give a lot of exercises, perhaps I don't know to answer the questions...Haiz! Seniors said that he is good in teaching Maths and ask me should be proud taught by him...

Sometimes I feel guilty that I'm not doing well, the girls in the class complete their homework all the time. Seniors told me that: "Be like the girls!". It doesn't mean that ask we guys to be girlish...instead learn from them how to be hardworking in study. Sometimes I also feel that the girls treat the classroom like the office, so focus on their homework and didn't talk to each other at all....I really admire them in this case.

Our Chemistry teacher - Mr. Ong is a very dutiful teacher... Although he don't have much experiences in teaching lower six, he still try his best to teach and make sure all the students done the exercise that been given. Unfortunatelly...I'm the one who didn't do his homework...Haha.

International Language - English

English is the most common language that used by the worldwide since many years ago... The other word: "you cannot 'survive' if you don't know to speak in English".

Teaching Maths and Science in English had been started since 6 years ago and it was introduced by our Ex- PM - Dr. Mahatir Mohammed. He says "If we want to gain a lot of knowledge, first of all we need to master the English language!" Since many books were written in English instead of Malay, therefore if we don't master well the English language, we are not able to understand what's the information that given by the book.

Recently, the Minister of Education want to change 'it' back into mother tounge language for primary school and Malay for secondary, ('it' refer to 'teaching maths and science') In order to improve our students' English standard, our government increase the expenditure for English language subject so that to level up the quality of English lesson since people said that proper grammer had not been taught in school. (That's totally rediculous!) Is it there is no any syllabus for English language? Since many students can master well in other languages, howcome they cannot manage well in English???

There are a lot of scientific terms in both Maths and Science subjects, if the students didn't learn it in English during their lower form, they have to suffer when they enter college or University. Many terms that need to memorize and some of them only can be found in Scientific dictionary instead of English dictionary...

I have nothing to conclude about this since the Minister of Education have already made the decision.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Special Day for Me and Those...

It's quite a special day for me and those... Some of them will be happy while some of them maybe sad because of some reason... But for me, I feel that everything will be fine after this. Every human being that come to this world sure got their own ability in doing a job and no matter what kind of job it is... Whether it will be the difficult job or an easy job, just depends on the person how to manage it... Despite you didn't get what you wish, you still need to appreciate what you have... God will not disappointed those people who had sacrifies a lot.

Different kind of job will be done in different method... Every job that be given is not an easy task. Don't think that what happened today was a final decision, there are still a lot of changes if you guys work harder... Life is not a bed of roses, don't think that you have already done a lot compare to the others.

Still the same phrase that mentioned, "God will not disappointed those people who had sacrifies a lot!!!"